Total: 151
Livestock is the primary human-caused emitter of methane, and methane not only has 72 times the heat-trapping ability, it is a shorter-lived gas. This means that it will leave the atmosphere much faster than CO2, within just a decade as opposed to thousands of years for CO2. Therefore, eliminating methane by eliminating livestock breeding is the fastest way to cool the planet. #SMCH
If meat eating is not banned or not limited, then the whole planet will be gone. This is a life-and-death matter for everybody; it’s not a personal choice. And we are eating meat, eating up the whole planet, eating up 90% of the food supply and letting other people hungry. #SMCH
The vegetarian diet is benevolent, so it will bring you happy energy and that in turn will breed more happiness, will attract more happiness, and when you’re happy everything will be better. You think better; you react better; your life becomes better. #SMCH
Our thinking, our action, has to send out a message to the universal energy that we want a better planet; we want a safer life; we want a saved world. Then the universal energy will do just that.#SMCH
We create everything that we want if we live but in accordance with the law of the universe. Such is the power of just being vegan. Because that means we spare life; we want life; we want constructive energy; we don’t want destruction. #SMCH
The Earth has a mechanism to repair herself. It’s just that we overload the planet. We pollute too much and we create too much of murderous karma. Therefore, the Earth is not even allowed to repair herself because of the bad karma of the inhabitants. #SMCH
Even if the world reduces greenhouse gas emissions, the planet will take time to recover from the gases already in the atmosphere. This is why it is necessary to focus on short-lived gases, namely methane. #SMCH
Stop blaming the CO2 for every problem of global warming on our planet. We are to be blamed. The meat industry is to be blamed. The meat industry is the one we have to focus on to stop, to abolish. #SMCH
To stop the climate change and to stop the waste of the forests and land, stop talking around the subject. Talk to the point: Meat industry must stop. #SMCH
The problems we already face now—such as the warming atmosphere, water shortage, food scarcity, and desertification—we can quickly eliminate by stopping meat production. Stop it now, no further! #SMCH
This killing of other beings must be stopped for humanity to evolve as a civilization. #SMCH
At peace with ourselves in the knowledge that we did not cause anguish or pain to our fellow animal brethren, we will have the inner tranquility to pursue our spiritual endeavors wholeheartedly. #SMCH
Organic, because we don’t want harmful chemicals to be sprayed everywhere, and running into our water, poisoning the river, the soil and all living things, making humans sick as well.#SMCH
Organic because this practice will absorb huge amounts of CO2 already existing in the air, thus cooling our planet. #SMCH
Livestock has been recalculated as to generate possibly more than 50% of total global emissions —more than 50% is from the livestock industry. So that was the number one solution.#SMCH
When it’s cold, methane hydrate is just compressed under the ocean floor and lies there, harmless. But now as the weather is getting warmer, these gases are going to be released. #SMCH
Scientists found that 60% of the black carbon particles in Antarctica were carried there by the wind from South American forests that are burned to clear land for livestock production. #SMCH
Black carbon is a greenhouse particle that is 680 times as heat-trapping as CO2, and it causes the ice sheets and glaciers around the world to melt even faster. Up to 40% of black carbon emissions come from burning forests for livestock. #SMCH
Oceanic dead zones, for example, are caused primarily by fertilizer runoff from agriculture that is mainly used for animal feed. #SMCH
The ocean is a very complex ecosystem where every living thing has a unique function. So, removing even a small fish for humans to eat creates an imbalance in the sea. #SMCH
You can also employ other green measures, such as planting trees or changing to green technology, but those take longer to have an effect. The vegetarian diet is the fastest and also reduces the bad karma of killing, and thus, is the most important.#SMCH
A vegan diet will save 4.5 tons of emissions per US household per year.#SMCH
As soon as we erase this bad retribution from the killing effect, the Earth will turn around, will be allowed to repair, reproduce and sustain life again. It’s all come around about the bad karma. We overload her capacity, the Earth, so we have to reverse our actions. That’s all there is to it.#SMCH
The Earth will become a paradise. Nobody will ever lack anything. No one will go hungry. No war, no disease, no disasters, no global warming, nothing anymore except peace, happiness and abundance. I promise in the name of the Buddha; it is like that. #SMCH
So, all the disasters that have happened around the world, of course, are connected with the human unkindness to the co-inhabitants. That was the price we have to pay for what we have done to the innocents who have done us no harm. #SMCH
Animals have done us no harm, who are also the children of God, who have been sent to Earth to help us and to cheer our days. #SMCH
It’s not the technical problem; it’s not the technical reparation we have to concentrate on. It’s the retribution, the cause and retribution that we have to pay attention to.#SMCH
The cost of killing, the cost of violence is far worse than any car, any sun’s explosion or any ocean explosion combined together. #SMCH
So, we just have to stop killing. And then everything else will suddenly become clear.#SMCH
We will find better technical means to tackle the climate problem. The sunspots might even stop exploding. The ocean explosions might just stop. The typhoons might just stop. The cyclones will be silent. The earthquakes will just be gone. Everything else will turn to a peaceful way of life because we create peace and then we will have peace, peace not only among humans but among all co-inhabitants. #SMCH
Skriv under
En kort biografi över Högsta Mästaren Ching Hai
En personalig vädjan från Högsta Mästaren Ching Hai till världens ledare
Kapitel 1.
Vegan Lösning för att rädda världen
I. Planetens katastrofläge
II. Vår val av mat är en fråga om liv och död
Kapitel 2.
Varningstecken för att väcka mänskligheten
I. Det är värre än det värsta scenario
II. Tiden rinner ut
III. Tackla de grundläggande problemen nu
Kapitel 3.
Ekologisk Veganism för att läka Planeten
I. Kyla planeten och återställa miljön
II. Det är den snabbaste och grönaste lösningen
III. Ge liv för att rädda liv
Kapitel 4.
Införa vegan lagstiftning och veganpolitik
I. Världens ledare bör tjäna som exempel
II. Regeringarna måste vidta brådskande åtgärder
III. Djuruppfödarnas framgångsrika övergångsprocess till alternativa yrken
IV. Exempel på god samhälsstyrninmg
V. Ekologisk Veganism är en andlig rörelse
Kapitel 5.
Omedelbar global övergång till växtbaserad kost
I. Världen behöver Medias ädla service och ledarskap
II. Religiösa ledare ska vägleda andra i korrekt levnadssätt
III. Nobel utbildning lär ut hälsosam, grön livsstil
IV. Ideella organisationer kan främja veganrörelsen
V. Var den förändring du vill se
Kapitel 6.
Mänsklighetens språng ut i den gyllene eran
I. En vändpunkt i människans evolution
II. Jorden uppstiger till en högre galaktisk civilisation
III. Förverkliga drömmen om Eden
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