Total: 151
We create everything that we want if we live but in accordance with the law of the universe. #SMCH
When humankind becomes more spiritually uplifted and has more love for all people, for all beings, all situations, and all their environments, then global warming will be reduced day by day and will disappear completely.#SMCH
I’m positive that our Earth will reach a higher level of consciousness and miracles will happen under Heaven’s mercy. #SMCH
Once the ice has melted, there’s no reflection of the heat back into space. Therefore, the heat will melt the ice as well and warm the water further. And both will help each other to melt more ice and heat up more the planet. You see the devil’s cycle. #SMCH
Further global warming beyond a two-degree Celsius rise could cause billions of tons more of methane hydrate from the bottom of the ocean to be released into the atmosphere, leading to mass extinctions of life on this planet. #SMCH
In Brazil, 90% of the land deforested since 1970 has gone toward livestock pasture or feed. Lush forests are being turned into barren fields at a rate of 36 football fields per minute, are being destroyed as we are speaking. #SMCH
In countries like Argentina and Paraguay, more and more forests are felled for both livestock and soy crops. Argentina has lost 70% of her original forests.#SMCH
We should be in coordination with the universal energy, the loving law of nature. If humanity does not respect other forms of life, then the life of humans will also be in peril, because we are all interconnected. #SMCH
The good, loving, compassionate energy will ward off the darkness that is looming toward us, that is next to us right now.#SMCH
Organic vegan will produce a beneficial, cooling effect as it will cut down methane and other greenhouse gases which are fatal to our survival.#SMCH
We can start by cutting down on the biggest methane producer in the world; that is, animal raising. So, to cool the planet most quickly, we have to stop consuming meat in order to stop the livestock-raising industry, and thus stop greenhouse gases, methane and other toxic gases from the animal industry.#SMCH
The potent greenhouse gas whose largest human-created source is the livestock industry, traps a hundred times more heat than carbon dioxide over a five-year period. #SMCH
Aside from methane, other lethal, toxic gases are emitted by the livestock industry as well. It is the largest source at 65% of global nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas with approximately 300 times the warming potential of CO2.#SMCH
Methane does much more damage in the short run, but if we stop it, we will be able to reverse the trend of global warming very fast. The best thing is stop eating meat, stop killing animals, stop raising animals. #SMCH
Oceanic dead zones are caused primarily by fertilizer runoff from agriculture that is mainly used for animal feed.#SMCH
We must conserve the water; we must do everything we can. And the first step to begin is to be vegan, because the animal industry uses over 70% of the clean water of our planet.#SMCH
While 1.1-billion people lack access to safe drinking water, we waste 3.8 trillion tons of precious clean water each year for livestock production. #SMCH
Are we short of water? One serving of BEEF uses over 1,200 gallons of water. One serving of CHICKEN uses 330 gallons of water. One Complete VEGAN meal with TOFU, RICE, and VEGETABLES uses only 98 gallons of water. #SMCH
Even if we don’t shower, we don’t brush our teeth, it amounts to nothing when they don’t stop eating meat.#SMCH
We have only 30% of land that covers the Earth. Of that precious 30%, one-third of it is used, not for our true survival, but for livestock pasture or growing tons of grain for animal feed—all to produce a few pieces of meat. #SMCH
About one-billion acres or 80% of all agricultural land in the US, and about half of all US land are being used for meat production. #SMCH
Ninety percent of all soy, 80% of all corn and 70% of all grain grown in the United States are fed to fatten livestock, while this could feed at least 800-million hungry people.#SMCH
The more we use organic, natural farming methods, the more food we have, the healthier we become and the healthier the soil will become. And from then on, the soil will recover and then we will have more and more abundance of food. #SMCH
Every year, we cut down forests as big as England just to raise animals. That’s why our planet’s heating up and then many places are having problems with floods and drought. #SMCH
A rainforest area the size of a football field is destroyed every second to produce just 250 hamburgers. #SMCH
Meat production is so costly and inefficient, so unsustainable that it is bad business to produce meat. #SMCH
Every time we kill a tree or kill an animal, we are killing a little part of ourselves. #SMCH
The 1.8-million pigs in Ireland generate more waste than the whole country’s entire population of 4.2 million! #SMCH
If the world shifted to animal-free diet, then we could reduce the cost by half or more. That means we would reduce tens of trillions of US dollars. #SMCH
As a so-called food, meat is simply one of the most unhealthy, poisonous, unhygienic items that could ever be ingested by humans. We should never eat meat at all if we love and cherish our health and our life. We will live longer without meat, healthier, wiser without meat.#SMCH
Skriv under
En kort biografi över Högsta Mästaren Ching Hai
En personalig vädjan från Högsta Mästaren Ching Hai till världens ledare
Kapitel 1.
Vegan Lösning för att rädda världen
I. Planetens katastrofläge
II. Vår val av mat är en fråga om liv och död
Kapitel 2.
Varningstecken för att väcka mänskligheten
I. Det är värre än det värsta scenario
II. Tiden rinner ut
III. Tackla de grundläggande problemen nu
Kapitel 3.
Ekologisk Veganism för att läka Planeten
I. Kyla planeten och återställa miljön
II. Det är den snabbaste och grönaste lösningen
III. Ge liv för att rädda liv
Kapitel 4.
Införa vegan lagstiftning och veganpolitik
I. Världens ledare bör tjäna som exempel
II. Regeringarna måste vidta brådskande åtgärder
III. Djuruppfödarnas framgångsrika övergångsprocess till alternativa yrken
IV. Exempel på god samhälsstyrninmg
V. Ekologisk Veganism är en andlig rörelse
Kapitel 5.
Omedelbar global övergång till växtbaserad kost
I. Världen behöver Medias ädla service och ledarskap
II. Religiösa ledare ska vägleda andra i korrekt levnadssätt
III. Nobel utbildning lär ut hälsosam, grön livsstil
IV. Ideella organisationer kan främja veganrörelsen
V. Var den förändring du vill se
Kapitel 6.
Mänsklighetens språng ut i den gyllene eran
I. En vändpunkt i människans evolution
II. Jorden uppstiger till en högre galaktisk civilisation
III. Förverkliga drömmen om Eden
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