Total: 151
In a vegan world, there would be no more sad news about someone’s child dying of brain damage or paralysis due to E. coli, the deadly bacteria which originally almost always come from farmed animals. There would be no more heartache due to deadly swine flu pandemic, or mad cow disease, cancer, diabetes, strokes and heart attacks, salmonella, Ebola. #SMCH
Animal diseases from the horrid, filthy livestock-raising environment are responsible for 75% of all the emerging, infectious human diseases. #SMCH
We cannot cut CO2 that quick because we don’t have other technological inventions right now to replace the ones that we have. But the methane pollution came from livestock raising, so if we stop that, no more heating! #SMCH
Besides removing the harmful methane emissions, organic tilling methods can actually store 40% of the carbon back into the soil. #SMCH
Eating meat is the biggest cruelty one can ever commit even to ourselves. Even if we don’t kill the animals ourselves, we are still responsible for their deaths. #SMCH
A staggering 55-billion animals, eight times the entire global human population are killed for human consumption each and every year. This is not even counting the several billion fish that perish, with a total loss that translates to more than 155-million beings killed every day. #SMCH
Dairy is included together with meat because the cruelty and torture is the same, and the end result is a horrible death for the poor animals. There is no mercy in the dairy industry either. #SMCH
Meat causes global warming and kills, and kills and kills. Therefore, MEAT is murder, a crime that must be stopped. #SMCH
It is not a coincidence that the main cause of global warming is meat eating. And many of the leading health problems in our world are also derived from meat eating. #SMCH
If we respect all life, then we also don’t take any life. The Earth provides in plenty for humans and for animals. #SMCH
The animals come to this planet with a special role. Many of them are able to bring down divine power from Heaven, or love, just through their presence. Some, like horses and rabbits, can protect their human caregivers from negative influences, or boost them with good health, good luck, even material fortune, joy or spiritual upliftment. #SMCH
Imagine our planet without animals at all. All the dogs gone, cats gone, birds gone, fish gone, buffalos gone, elephants gone; imagine, none of the animals survive, how would we live? How would our life feel abundant? #SMCH
Even organic meat is actually not eco-friendly at all; it requires even more land, and more energy than the non-organic meat in meat farming. #SMCH
If all humanity lives with the animal-free diet, and lives in respect for nature and other life, then we will have a Heaven on Earth. #SMCH
I hope the governments would please make it into law to forbid the killing of animals, to forbid anymore animal livestock raising. If they are truly the leaders that pledge to protect their people, to improve their country in many aspects, then this is the first step we have to do. #SMCH
They first have to be vegetarian (vegan), and then they use their power truly. Like the way they forbid smoking. #SMCH
People are not really well-informed about what’s on their plate. Mostly the little, packed meat that went on their plate doesn’t resemble anything of where it came from. #SMCH
Many don’t realize the harmful emissions of the livestock industry or that killing begets killing. #SMCH
People are not aware that meat is another kind of addictive poison. They are not aware that meat is destroying our planet. #SMCH
Our diet is not a matter of personal choice anymore. It’s a planetary life-and-death matter. #SMCH
A ban of meat will be a strong current to carry the trend toward a vegan world. #SMCH
What’s the use of worrying about war or about position or about anything else when the planet is going to be ruined? So right now, all the leaders must concentrate on saving our planet and must concentrate on spreading information and making new laws for people to live a more benevolent life. #SMCH
The industry is bad, bad, bad business, [and] is not lucrative at all for the whole planet, for everybody. #SMCH
If the government didn’t give them any subsidies for the meat industry in any case, then a hamburger that some people eat produced by clearing forests in India alone would cost US$ 200! #SMCH
Everywhere, from the US to China, the government has to subsidize animal farmers by paying them at least tens of billions of US dollars every year! But that’s your money that you’re eating! #SMCH
If the government subsidies are not going in to support them, the farmers of the animal-raising industry could not make ends meet with their business. They would have gone out of business already. So, I suggest the government doesn’t give any more subsidies to animal-raising industry. Instead, tell them to convert into vegan farmers. #SMCH
Meat consumption causes all the sickness—cancers, diabetes and health problems, and heart diseases. Almost all diseases that you can name come from the meat diet or related. #SMCH
The government could encourage the farmers to grow crops and give them subsidies to grow vegetables replacing the loss of meat. #SMCH
If you eat organic vegetables, you will hardly have to go to the hospital and all the money we can save to better education for the children, better care for the elderly. #SMCH
The large yields produced by conventional farming are taken at the expense of the soil, of our health, and of the environment. #SMCH
Skriv under
En kort biografi över Högsta Mästaren Ching Hai
En personalig vädjan från Högsta Mästaren Ching Hai till världens ledare
Kapitel 1.
Vegan Lösning för att rädda världen
I. Planetens katastrofläge
II. Vår val av mat är en fråga om liv och död
Kapitel 2.
Varningstecken för att väcka mänskligheten
I. Det är värre än det värsta scenario
II. Tiden rinner ut
III. Tackla de grundläggande problemen nu
Kapitel 3.
Ekologisk Veganism för att läka Planeten
I. Kyla planeten och återställa miljön
II. Det är den snabbaste och grönaste lösningen
III. Ge liv för att rädda liv
Kapitel 4.
Införa vegan lagstiftning och veganpolitik
I. Världens ledare bör tjäna som exempel
II. Regeringarna måste vidta brådskande åtgärder
III. Djuruppfödarnas framgångsrika övergångsprocess till alternativa yrken
IV. Exempel på god samhälsstyrninmg
V. Ekologisk Veganism är en andlig rörelse
Kapitel 5.
Omedelbar global övergång till växtbaserad kost
I. Världen behöver Medias ädla service och ledarskap
II. Religiösa ledare ska vägleda andra i korrekt levnadssätt
III. Nobel utbildning lär ut hälsosam, grön livsstil
IV. Ideella organisationer kan främja veganrörelsen
V. Var den förändring du vill se
Kapitel 6.
Mänsklighetens språng ut i den gyllene eran
I. En vändpunkt i människans evolution
II. Jorden uppstiger till en högre galaktisk civilisation
III. Förverkliga drömmen om Eden
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