Total: 151
According to the largest study done on organic farming in the UK, compared to conventional farms, organic farms contained 85% more plant species, with 71% taller and thicker hedges, and a healthy return of native animals across the species. # SMCH
Organic vegan farming can save governments a lot, a lot of money, 80% of it. # SMCH
There was another who brings his 10 pet pigs—he has 10 as his pets that he kept from his old farm—and visits schools now often to show the children how intelligent and friendly pigs really are, so the children will not eat the pigs. # SMCH
One of Belgium’s largest cities, Ghent, officially declared every Thursday a veggie day, and starting this school year all city schools will have vegetarian meals every Thursday. # SMCH
I commend humbly the UK government for all its leadership and laud all its projects toward the country’s low emissions future. # SMCH
As a part of its new climate-action plan, Cincinnati, Ohio was the first US city to encourage less meat in order to stop global warming. # SMCH
In April 2010, San Francisco became the first U.S. city to declare a veggie day. # SMCH
When we sit under a tree, we feel this protective love from the tree. # SMCH
When we enjoy a delicious fruit, we feel the connectedness of this unconditional love from the tree to offer us nutrition and a pleasing taste. # SMCH
Most of the milk production causes suffering, first of all because the babies of the mother cows are taken away at birth. Deprived from mother’s milk and mother’s love, they’ll be killed as soon as they’re taken away. Then, the mother is forcefully hooked up to a machine that can cause tormenting pain along with illness, just so that humans can take her milk. # SMCH
Our planet is a house that is burning. If we don’t work together with a united spirit to put out the fire, we will not have a home anymore. One-hundred percent of the world’s people must be veg soon to save the planet. # SMCH
All the media should help to save the planet because if the planet’s gone, everybody’ll be gone. # SMCH
Once they make a connection of global warming to their lives, they may really decide to do something. You will be surprised, especially if they understand what they do can truly make a difference, they may be the first ones to take action. They just need a good leader like you. # SMCH
The best to save the planet is the individual. # SMCH
Since time immemorial, evolution always begins with the individual. If we want to change the world, we change ourselves first. # SMCH
Everybody helps a little bit, and then the whole planet will change because of the collective consciousness of the positive direction. # SMCH
Saving the world is a compassionate act. Even if the world is not saved, you are. You are saved by your loving kindness. Your merit will be multi-fold because you want to save others. # SMCH
If you want to save the lives of other beings on Earth, then you have a saintly quality. # SMCH
It’s not just about saving the physical planet and the physical lives. It’s also about how great you are for wanting to do so and actually partaking in this life-saving crusade. # SMCH
No one can prevent us from doing what’s right for our lives and that of our planet. We just stop using, eating, buying animal products, then these corporations will just disappear in no time. So, the power is in our hands. # SMCH
There would be no need to continue the life-threatening practice of animal raising if we all became vegan. # SMCH
The animal companies only have power because we give them the power! We share our power with them. But if we stop buying it, they’re gone. # SMCH
For people who have a yard, instead of growing grass or something else, or let it be vacant, grow vegetables. You can grow enough for yourselves or as a supplement. # SMCH
The best way to repent is to make an effort to change. # SMCH
Write to your government leaders about the veg solution, go and visit with them, if that it possible. # SMCH
As individuals and communities, we must take action instead of waiting for the government or the technology to be developed. # SMCH
One small step from everyone in the right direction can result in a big leap in our evolution as a human race. And that small step is very simple. It’s just: no killing. Abiding by the principle of “Live and let live,” adhering to the universal law where we grant life to beget life. # SMCH
Humans are naturally more generous and peaceful in their heart; it’s just that we all have been misinformed, misunderstood for a long, long, long time. # SMCH
We are too busy, too busy for daily survival, working, we have no time to do research, so we did not know that these things are truly poisonous to us. # SMCH
The way we are living right now is a deeply degraded condition of what we really are. We are the children of God, which is all loving and kindness. # SMCH
Skriv under
En kort biografi över Högsta Mästaren Ching Hai
En personalig vädjan från Högsta Mästaren Ching Hai till världens ledare
Kapitel 1.
Vegan Lösning för att rädda världen
I. Planetens katastrofläge
II. Vår val av mat är en fråga om liv och död
Kapitel 2.
Varningstecken för att väcka mänskligheten
I. Det är värre än det värsta scenario
II. Tiden rinner ut
III. Tackla de grundläggande problemen nu
Kapitel 3.
Ekologisk Veganism för att läka Planeten
I. Kyla planeten och återställa miljön
II. Det är den snabbaste och grönaste lösningen
III. Ge liv för att rädda liv
Kapitel 4.
Införa vegan lagstiftning och veganpolitik
I. Världens ledare bör tjäna som exempel
II. Regeringarna måste vidta brådskande åtgärder
III. Djuruppfödarnas framgångsrika övergångsprocess till alternativa yrken
IV. Exempel på god samhälsstyrninmg
V. Ekologisk Veganism är en andlig rörelse
Kapitel 5.
Omedelbar global övergång till växtbaserad kost
I. Världen behöver Medias ädla service och ledarskap
II. Religiösa ledare ska vägleda andra i korrekt levnadssätt
III. Nobel utbildning lär ut hälsosam, grön livsstil
IV. Ideella organisationer kan främja veganrörelsen
V. Var den förändring du vill se
Kapitel 6.
Mänsklighetens språng ut i den gyllene eran
I. En vändpunkt i människans evolution
II. Jorden uppstiger till en högre galaktisk civilisation
III. Förverkliga drömmen om Eden
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